Smart Cities Connect  Conference & Expo

APRIL 14-16, 2025 | SAN ANTONIO, TX


Sessions Subject To Change | View Detailed Program

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2025  Registration 7:00am - 6:00pm

7:45 - 8:30 Early Bird Coffee Break
8:30 - 10:40
  • Welcome from the City of San Antonio
  • Smart Cities, Strong Women: Shaping Inclusive Futures for Smart Cities
  • Power to the City!
  • Building Stronger Cities with AI: Advancing Public Safety, Citizen Services, and Urban Management
10:40 - 10:55 Coffee Break
Breakout Sessions Digital Transformation: Networks, Data, AI, 5G, Sensors, IoT, Cyber
Urban Operations:
Lighting, Water, Waste, Planning, Emergency Response
Smart Mobility:
Transportation, Autonomous, Public Transit, Ride Share
Urban Infrastructure:
Buildings, Energy, Grid, Utilities, Resilience
Community Engagement:
Policy, Funding, Commerce, Inclusion, Governance
Smart City Startup Challenge
11:00 - 11:50 Shaping the Future of Urban Planning: Building Public Trust in Digital Transformation and Smart Cities Network as a Service for Radio Interoperability & Public Safety   Elevating Efficiency: Autonomous Drone Solutions in Action AMI Insights: Financials, Customer Service, Maintenance & CIP  Empowering Communities: Technology for Good
Welcome Remarks and Startup Challenge Session I
12:00 - 1:15 Lunch (on own)
1:15 - 2:05 Securing the Future: Cyber Resilience Strategies for Smart Cities Enhancing Public Safety and Resilience Through Streetlights in NOLA Electromobility in Local Government: Accelerating the Transition to Electric Bus and Fleet Systems Building a Smart City: It Takes a Village
Airys: A One-Stop-Shop to Finance Local Government Resilience Projects Smart Cities Startup Challenge II
2:10 - 3:00 Review of SCADA Integration via Private Wireless City Spotlight on Urban Operations
  • Umzimvubu, South Africa
  • Austin, TX
  • Syracuse, NY
  • Houston, TX
  • Caldwell, ID
Technology with Purpose: Driving Real Value for Citizens and Businesses City Spotlight on Urban Infrastructure
  • Thomasville, NC
  • Lima, Peru
  • Oakland, CA
  • Caldwell, ID
Corporate Partnerships: Energizing Collaboration Smart Cities Startup Challenge III and Award Announcement
2:00 - 6:00 Expo Program & Reception
6:00 Smart 20 Awards Reception

TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 2025 Registration 7:00am - 5:30pm

7:45 - 8:30 Early Bird Coffee Break
8:30 - 10:40 
  • Storms, Smart Grid Resilience & Data-Driven Response
  • Smart Cities in South Africa: Pathways to Inclusive Innovation and Sustainable Urban Futures
  • Major Event Planning - How Cities Leverage Tech for Significant Impact Events
  • Creating Smart Communities: The Value of Public-Private Partnerships and Pilot Programs
10:40 - 10:55 Coffee Break
Breakout Sessions Digital Transformation: Networks, Data, AI, 5G, Sensors, IoT, Cyber
Urban Operations:
Lighting, Water, Waste, Planning, Emergency Response
Smart Mobility:
Transportation, Autonomous, Public Transit, Ride Share
Urban Infrastructure:
Buildings, Energy, Grid, Utilities, Resilience
Community Engagement:
Policy, Funding, Commerce, Inclusion, Governance
Smart City Startup Challenge
11:00 - 11:50 AI & Energy: AI's Full Potential to Unlock Safe & Efficient Energy and Vice Versa San Antonio Streetlights and Smart City Systems Intelligent Insights: Turning Parking Data Into City Solutions Cities in Transition: Leading the Energy Revolution Through Digital Innovation City Spotlight on Community Engagement
  • Mission, KS
  • San Antonio, TX
  • Coral Gables, FL
  • Allen, TX
Smart Cities Smart Bases Panel
12:00 - 1:15 Lunch (on own)
1:15 - 2:05 Transforming Public Safety: The Power of Real-Time Crime Centers for Urban and Municipal Operations WORKSHOP: Transforming Cities - Immersive Experiences Powered by Intelligent Data & The AMSYS Collective Blueprint City Spotlight on Smart Mobility
  • Austin, TX
  • Raleigh, NC
  • Houston, TX
  • San Antonio, TX
Smart Lighting Brings Free Public Wi-Fi Powered By 5G IDC Smart City Awards Smart Cities Smart Bases Challenge I (1:15pm-2:15pm)
2:10 - 3:00 Mind the Gap: Collaborative Strategies for Addressing the Digital Divide The Innovation Renaissance of Detroit: Innovation Districts, High-tech pilots, and Autonomous Vehicles Beyond the Bottom Line: Measuring Multi-Dimensional ROI in Smart Cities The Partnership Blueprint: Cross-Sector Innovation for a Smarter Tomorrow
Smart Cities Smart Bases Challenge II (2:30pm-3:30pm).  Smart Cities Smart Bases Challenge III and Prize Announcement (3:45pm-4:30pm)
2:00 - 6:00 Expo Program & Reception
6:00 Food Truck Fiesta in Civic Park

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 ,2025 Registration 8:30am - 11:30am

8:30 - 9:00 Early Bird Coffee Break
Breakout Sessions
Digital Transformation: Networks, Data, AI, 5G, Sensors, IoT, Cyber
Urban Operations/Urban Infrastructure::
Lighting, Water, Waste, Planning, Emergency Response, Buildings, Energy, Grid, Utilities, Resilience
Smart Mobility:
Transportation, Autonomous, Public Transit, Ride Share
Community Engagement:
Policy, Funding, Commerce, Inclusion, Governance
8:30 - 9:25 Smart Cities, Ethical Choices: AI's Role in City Governance Smarter Cities Using Wireless WAN Connectivity - Real-life use cases! The Autonomous Shift: Redefining Movement in Modern Cities Integrating Climate Resilience and Smart City Strategies: Innovations for a Sustainable Urban Future
9:30 - 10:25 City Spotlight on Digital Transformation
  • North Miami Beach, FL
  • Austin, TX
  • Norwalk, CT
  • Frisco, TX
The Future of AI in Cities Making the Transition to EVs Building the Future: Resilient Workforce Development
10:30 - 11:25 Pioneering Civic Engagement: Gesture Recognition and Metaverse Innovations in Greater Phoenix Interactive Workshop: Whole Community Preparedness for Smart Cities and Communities Beyond Traffic How Smart Mobility Shapes the Cities of Tomorrow Pioneering Citizen-Centric Smart Cities, City of Brownsville
11:30 - 12:25 Securing Smart Cities: How CISA is Safeguarding 911 Systems Against Cyber Threats Building the Foundation for Smarter Greener Transportation Scrappy Teams, Big Data: Harnessing Tools and Automation to Power Economic Development
12:30 Smart Cities Connect Conference Closed
12:30 - 3:00 Tour of San Pedro Creek Culture Park


  Detailed Program

Sessions Subject To Change | View Day-At-A-Glance

Sunday April 13, 2025

1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hall 4 West Registration


Monday April 14, 2025

7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Hall 4 West Registration


7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
Hall 4 West Registration

Early Bird Coffee Break

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Keynote Program

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Welcome from the City of San Antonio

Remarks from San Antonio leadership welcoming attendees to explore and enjoy San Antonio.

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Smart Cities, Strong Women: Shaping Inclusive Futures for Smart Cities

This panel focuses on leveraging allies and building ecosystems to counter systemic issues with female representation in the Smart Cities industry. Hear unique perspectives from top women in the field who are challenging the status-quo, and learn from their experiences to shape your own unique approach to navigating a complex industry. This panel will focus on practical examples of how women influence smart city development, build community, and hold space for all women practicing or entering the field.

Emily Royall, Emerging Technology Division Head, IT Services Department, City of San Antonio, TX (Moderator)
Jennifer Sanders, Executive Director, North Texas Innovation Alliance (Speaker)
Ruthbea Yesner, Global Research Lead & Vice President of Government Insights, Education, Transportation and Smart Cities, IDC (Speaker)
Chelsea McCullough, Strategic Advisor, Smart Cities Connect (Speaker)
Joyce Deuley, Strategic Project & Communications Specialist, Team B Strategies (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Power to the City!

Industries like supply chains transformed when technology unlocked real-time optimization—cities are next. The first U.S. cities are already leveraging next-generation, real-time traffic management to boost mobility, safety, sustainability, and economic growth. These cities dynamically adjust multimodal traffic flow, reduce delays, prevent incidents, cut costs, and drive economic activity—all in real-time and throughout the infrastructure. The best part? It’s software. It scales fast and economically and gives you the power to adjust relative mode priorities and traffic flow as you learn. Are you ready to break free from vendor lock-in, optimize urban movement in real-time, and significantly cut transit operational costs? This transformation is here, inevitable, and coming to your city. Will you lead or follow?

Paul Hoekstra, Move Business Unit Director, USA, TNL/Technolution (Moderator)
Marc Dilsaver, Transportation Program Manager, City of Dublin, OH (Speaker)
Mukesh Kumar, Director, Waco Metropolitan Planning Organization (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Building Stronger Cities with AI: Advancing Public Safety, Citizen Services, and Urban Management

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way cities operate, offering innovative solutions to improve urban management, enhance public safety, and provide better citizen services. This thought-provoking panel will dive into real-world applications of AI, from optimizing municipal operations to strengthening emergency response systems and delivering personalized services to residents. Attendees will also gain practical insights on how cities can begin or accelerate their AI adoption, addressing common challenges and unlocking the full potential of this transformative technology.

George Burciaga, Managing Partner, US Mayoral Roundtable (Moderator)
Erik Walsh, City Manager, City of San Antonio (Speaker)
Derek Williams, Chief Technology & Innovation Strategist, State & Local Government, Dell Technologies (Speaker)
Jumbi Edulbehram, Global Business Development Director, Smart Cities and Spaces, NVIDIA (Speaker)

10:40 AM - 10:55 AM
Level 2

Coffee Break

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 209

Shaping the Future of Urban Planning: Building Public Trust in Digital Transformation and Smart Cities

Municipal innovators, startups and urban planners will explore how participatory processes around smart city technology intersect with urban planning concepts and practices - and discuss how bringing these practices together is key to building public trust in developing a smarter, more inclusive future. Data, sensors and AI are increasingly new forms of public infrastructure being used in cities to operate and provide services; but unlike physical infrastructure, the outcomes they enable are invisible to most residents and community members. Ethical, democratic and effective use of these digital technologies requires foresight and planning. Yet typical practices around tech design and deployment are not best suited for having inclusion, equity and participation in the innovation process. This panel will highlight projects where participatory processes and open-source tools are used to build trust with residents around smart city technologies and strategies: Long Beach’s collaborative co-design program; Charlotte’s equity-focused smart city resident advisory group; Boston’s participatory processes for developing gender-inclusive data standards and oversight mechanisms for surveillance technology; and the open-source project Digital Trust for Places and Routines which is used by municipalities and innovation districts to support public awareness and participation in smart city strategies.

Pamela Robinson, Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Toronto Metropolitan University (Moderator)
Rachel Stark, Smart Cities Program Manager, City of Charlotte (Speaker)
Jacqueline Lu, CEO and Founder, Helpful Places (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 210 B

Network as a Service for Radio Interoperability & Public Safety

The interoperability of radio communications is important to the public's safety. One radio system to provide communications for multiple agencies with a common frequency and protocol to allow transmissions to be given and received by subscribers is crucial for major incidents and daily operations. The City of San Antonio, Bexar County, and CPS Energy have established a shared radio system, Alamo Regional Radio System (AARRS) through an interlocal agreement to allow for interoperability and shared infrastructure upon the sunset of the legacy radio system. For the first time, each organization's first responders (Police, Fire, and Utility workers) are able to seamlessly activate on mutual aid channels for public safety incidents.

Jamaal Smith, VP of Sales and Business Development, Private Networks, Kajeet (Moderator)
Alysse Swientek, Civic Partnership Manager, CPS Energy (Speaker)
Andy Jaffee, Senior IT Manager, City of San Antonio, TX (Speaker)
Michael D. Morlan, Deputy Chief of Emergency Management, Bexar County (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 212 A

Smart Cities, Smarter Responses: How Drones Are Transforming Urban Operations

Cities today are embracing drones as a force multiplier in public safety, with many starting their journey through Drone as First Responder (DFR) programs. By pre-positioning autonomous drones across urban areas, law enforcement and fire departments gain faster response times, better situational awareness, and safer operations. But the potential of these aerial assets extends far beyond emergency response. In this session, we’ll explore how the same drone infrastructure can redefine city-wide operations, streamlining building inspections, infrastructure assessments, traffic monitoring, and disaster response. Learn how forward-thinking cities are maximizing their drone programs—not just for emergencies but for everyday efficiencies, cost savings, and improved service delivery.

Phil Gonshak, Director of Public Safety Strategy, Skydio (Moderator)

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 210 A

AMI Insights: Financials, Customer Service, Maintenance & CIP

In this session, municipal leaders will discuss the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) projects they implemented for their residential and commercial water utility customers. This panel will highlight the many benefits of real-time data collection and analysis - from optimizing resource usage and reducing operational or maintenance costs, to enhancing the customer experience. The panelists will share key lessons learned and best practices with illustrative examples, addressing topics including: - Common challenges solved by and considerations of an AMI system; - Mapping this technology to enhanced customer service; - Data's impact on a water utility's finances and processes; - Maintenance best practices with newly available meter data; - The moment where AMI just made dollars and sense! City Managers, Public Works and Finance Directors, and Utility Billing Specialists alike will benefit from this peer-to-peer discussion. Attendees will be prompted to take action and leverage data and technology to make informed decisions that drive efficiency, cost savings, and sustainability for their water utility.

Chad Nobles, Sr. Account Executive, Ameresco (Moderator)
Clayton Fulton, Assistant City Manager, City of Hurst, TX (Speaker)
Courtney Sladek, City Manager, City of El Campo, TX (Speaker)
David Miller, City Administrator and Director of Public Safety, City of Springtown, TX (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 208

Smart Cities Startup Challenge I: Community Engagement and Digital Transformation

Welcome to the 10th Annual Smart Cities Connect Challenge! This premier event is a pitch competition designed to showcase innovative Smart Cities technologies. It brings together technology and solution providers working on next-generation Smart City solutions, offering them the opportunity to present their ideas to a panel of city, military, investor, and industry leaders. At the end of the competition, one outstanding pitch will be selected as the awardee, recognizing the most promising solution for transforming urban living.

Jennifer Rocha, Executive Director, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI (Moderator)
Howard Waldie IV, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Myrtle Beach, SC (Review Panelist)
R.D. Childers, Chief Executive Officer, RD Childers LLC (Review Panelist)
Josh Tucker, Partner, Pillsbury Law (Review Panelist)
Ross Roley, Energy Innovation Lead, Battelle (Review Panelist)
MetaWorldX, MetaWorldX inc. (Innovator)
AI Search & Chat, VoiceAI, and CRM & Workflows, Polimorphic (Innovator)
Resonus Conversations, Resonus (Aviary Investments LLC dba Resonus) (Innovator)
CIVORA, DKSR GmbH (Innovator)
CityID, SpruceID (Innovator)
MiraNu, MiraNu (Innovator)

12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Lunch (on own)

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Level 2

Coffee Break

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 210 B

Enhancing Public Safety and Resilience Through Streetlights in NOLA

Join industry leaders from Ameresco, Acuity Brands and Ubicquia for an insightful presentation on how smart outdoor lighting is transforming public safety and urban resilience in the City of New Orleans. This discussion will explore innovative solutions that integrate advanced lighting technologies with IoT, data analytics, and situational awareness systems to create safer, more connected public spaces. Learn how these cutting-edge systems are improving emergency response, deterring crime, and optimizing energy efficiency while addressing the unique challenges of an iconic city known for its vibrant culture and historic infrastructure. Discover actionable strategies for implementing scalable, cost-effective lighting solutions that enhance safety, sustainability, and quality of life for residents and visitors alike. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from experts driving the future of smart city innovation and resilience.

Chelsea McCullough, Strategic Advisor, Smart Cities Connect (Moderator)
Fritz Feiten, National Smart Streetlighting Consultant, Ameresco (Speaker)
Dave Basil, President & CEO, TerraGo Technologies (Speaker)
John Petty, Director of Sales, Roadway and Infrastructure, Acuity Brands (Speaker)
Keith Chinchar, General Manager, Smart Lighting, Ubicquia, Inc. (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 212 A

Electromobility in Local Government: Accelerating the Transition to Electric Bus and Fleet Systems

The electrification of municipal and transit fleets is reshaping urban mobility, offering opportunities for cleaner air, cost savings, and operational efficiency. This panel will explore best practices, innovative funding strategies, and the latest technologies driving bus and fleet electrification across cities, municipalities, and transit authorities. Panelists will address challenges such as infrastructure development, fleet management integration, and policy alignment while showcasing successful case studies from leading local governments. Attendees will gain actionable insights into deploying scalable, sustainable electromobility programs that align with climate goals and community needs.

Maurizio Rinaldi, CEO, SONDA USA (Moderator)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 210 A

Building a Smart City: It Takes a Village

The journey to building a smart city is not just a series of technology decisions—it’s a community-wide evolution that works best with a shared vision, flexibility, and clear stakeholder benefits. Smart city and utility solutions help communities reimagine how they can deliver services to enhance resiliency, spur innovation, create safer neighborhoods and enhance the quality of life for their citizens. Join leaders from CPS Energy, San Antonio Water System (SAWS), and the City of San Antonio as they share real-world experiences on how to break down traditional silos and work together to define and execute a digital transformation strategy for energy, water and city services. We’ll discuss practical strategies for navigating budget constraints, regulatory hurdles, integration and security challenges, and change management issues across multiple departments. For cities like San Antonio, bringing a diverse range of stakeholders together early has been key to making this vision a feasible reality for the betterment of the entire community.

Andrew Watkins, President & COO, (Moderator)
Alysse Swientek, Civic Partnership Manager, CPS Energy (Speaker)
Meghan Patronella, Interim Director of Operational Excellence, San Antonio Water System (Speaker)
Geoffrey Urbach, Product and Partnerships Lead, City of San Antonio, TX (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 211

Airys: A One-Stop-Shop to Finance Local Government Resilience Projects

The historic investments from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) present an unprecedented opportunity for governments across the country to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. Beyond this, there are over a trillion dollars in value of grants, tax exemptions, and credits that the federal government provides annually to state and local governments. However, equity issues persist in dispersing the federal dollars to under-resourced communities who need it the most, due to lack of capacity to apply and administer these funding opportunities. As it stands, each federal agency (e.g. HUD, EPA, FEMA) has a siloed approach to communicate its data and available funding programs. Across all the federal agencies, it is altogether overwhelming – in our 200+ user interviews, we saw communities and practitioners alike yearn for a simplified and user-centric process. Airys is a student team building a web-based software platform that provides local governments a single storefront for disaster risk data and uses AI to match projects with active and upcoming grants across all federal agencies.

Charles Shi, Cognitive Science Student, Stanford University (Moderator)
Madison Fan, Computer Science and Design Student, Stanford University (Speaker)
Bhu Kongtaveelert, Computer Science and Art Practice Student, Stanford University (Speaker)
Shayana Venukanthan, Technical Lead, Airys (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 208

Smart Cities Startup Challenge II: Smart Air/Land/Water Mobility

The Smart Cities Connect Challenge brings together technology & solution providers working on next generation Smart City solutions with city, military, investors, and industry leadership. Join us for the second challenge as we get one step closer to the winning pitch!

Jennifer Rocha, Executive Director, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI (Moderator)
Howard Waldie IV, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Myrtle Beach, SC (Review Panelist)
R.D. Childers, Chief Executive Officer, RD Childers LLC (Review Panelist)
Josh Tucker, Partner, Pillsbury Law (Review Panelist)
Shane McDaniel, Chief Innovation Officer, IT Executives Council (Review Panelist)
AirView, TELLUS Networked Sensor Solutions, Inc. (Innovator)
JustAir Air Quality Network Platform, JustAir (Innovator)
Penny Pickup, Penny Pickup (Innovator)
Street Counts LLC, Street Counts LLC (Innovator)
Automated Transit Zone Enforcement with Bus-Mounted Cameras, Hayden AI Technologies (Innovator)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 209

Where do Private Wireless Networks fit into Smart Cities?

Private Cellular Network is a more reliable and cost-effective alternative to Wi-Fi, offering a more pervasive, scalable, secure solution that can support a large number of fixed and mobile devices. Our discussion will include use of private wireless as well as neutral host (in building carrier coverage) use cases for public buildings, transit stations, educational institutions, Water/Wastewater SCADA systems, and more. Additionally, we'll discuss how multiple campus networks can be interconnected to create a seamless enterprise-wide connectivity solution, giving enterprises full control over network management.

Joel Albert, VP Solution Sales, Industrial Networking Solutions (Moderator)
Pradhyum Ramkumar, Head of Product Marketing, Sales & Partner Enablement, Celona (Speaker)
Austin Miller, CTO, Twin Eagle Solutions (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 210 B

City Spotlight on Urban Operations

From managing lighting and water systems to optimizing waste, planning, and emergency response, city leaders are finding new ways to incorporate technology into urban operations. In this panel, they will share insights from their initiatives, discussing the challenges and opportunities of modernizing infrastructure while meeting community needs. Join the conversation to explore how cities are adopting emerging technologies and what the future holds for more adaptive, resident-focused communities.

Ruthbea Yesner, Global Research Lead & Vice President of Government Insights, Education, Transportation and Smart Cities, IDC (Moderator)
Fabio Capillo, Deputy Director, Public Works, City of Houston, TX (Speaker)
Marc Coudert, Climate Adaptation & Resilience Manager, City of Austin, TX (Speaker)
Steven Jenkins, Economic Development Director, City of Caldwell, ID (Speaker)
Pilisiwe Masiba Zamafuku, GIS Technician, Umzimvubu Local Municipality, South Africa (Speaker)
Jennifer Tifft, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Mayor, City of Syracuse, NY (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 212 A

Technology with Purpose: Driving Real Value for Citizens and Businesses

Smart mobility initiatives must deliver measurable benefits or risk becoming mere technological exercises. As urban landscapes evolve, the focus shifts to tangible improvements—enhanced well-being, reduced travel times, increased safety, new travel modes, cost efficiencies, and optimized parking management. This panel highlights how two cities are addressing these challenges head-on. Dublin, Ohio, has implemented policies that are already delivering operational results, while Waco, Texas, will deploy cost-of-interaction principles in the coming six months to validate their impact. Dr. Mukesh Kumar (Waco MPO Director) and Marc Dilsaver (Dublin Transportation Program Manager) will provide a straightforward account of their strategies, projects, and outcomes. This discussion makes the case that if technology fails to deliver concrete value, the investment is not justifiable. Come see the results and judge for yourselves.

Paul Hoekstra, Mobility BU Director U.S.A., TNL USA (Moderator)
Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Director, Waco MPO (Speaker)
Marc Dilsaver, Transportation Program Manager, City of Dublin, OH (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 210 B

City Spotlight on Urban Infrastructure

City leaders are at the forefront of leveraging technology to enhance urban infrastructure. In this panel, city leaders will share insights from their urban infrastructure initiatives, discussing the challenges and opportunities of modernizing operations while meeting community needs. Join the conversation to explore how cities are adapting to emerging technologies and what the future holds for connected communities.

Andrew Watkins, President & COO, (Moderator)
Eddie Bowling, Deputy City Manager, City of Thomasville, NC (Speaker)
Elizabeth Añaños, Vice President, Advisory Commission for National Infrastructure Development, City of Lima, Peru (Speaker)
Luisa Calumpong, City Broadband Manager, City of Oakland, CA (Speaker)
Jarom Wagoner, Mayor, City of Caldwell, ID (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 211

Future Catastrophe Today – Why Resilience is Key

Ensuring public safety and long-term cost savings requires proactive decision-making, yet many communities delay critical actions due to financial concerns, competing priorities, and bureaucratic hurdles. However, strategic procurement and meaningful community engagement can bridge these gaps, fostering both resilience and efficiency. This session will explore real-world examples of successful partnerships between the private sector and municipalities, demonstrating how tailored facilitation, corporate collaboration, and professional development initiatives can drive informed decision-making. We will also highlight the risks of neglecting community engagement, including stalled or cancelled projects, and showcase the tangible return on investment (ROI) when communities invest in education and stakeholder involvement. By leveraging vendors who specialize in bridging knowledge gaps, municipalities can ensure that both city staff and residents are equipped to make informed, forward-thinking decisions—ultimately strengthening their resilience in the face of future challenges.

Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca, Senior Business Development Manager, ENGIE North America (Moderator)
Council Member Joaquin Martinez, District I, City of Houston, TX (Speaker)
Council Member Mario Castillo, District H, City of Houston, TX (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 208

Smart Cities Startup Challenge III: Urban/Municipal Infrastructure and Operations and SCSC Award Announcement

The Smart Cities Connect Challenge brings together technology & solution providers working on next generation Smart City solutions with city, military, investors, and industry leadership. Find out which pitch will be selected as the awardee, recognizing the most promising solution for transforming urban living.

Jennifer Rocha, Executive Director, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI (Moderator)
Howard Waldie IV, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Myrtle Beach, SC (Review Panelist)
R.D. Childers, Chief Executive Officer, RD Childers LLC (Review Panelist)
Ross Roley, Energy Innovation Lead, Battelle (Review Panelist)
Shane McDaniel, Chief Innovation Officer, IT Executives Council (Review Panelist)
ATLAS, ATLAS Traffic Technologies (Innovator)
Airys, Stanford University (Innovator)
viSEN, VisionCraft AI, Inc (Innovator)
Fire Prevention Cameras/ Barometric Pressure Detectors to be integrated in Smart Waste Containers, Nord Engineering SpA (Innovator)
nfoldROI-4D Jakartowns Platform, nfoldROI inc. (Innovator)

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Exhibit Hall 4B

Expo Program & Reception

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Room 206

Smart 20 Awards Reception

The Smart 20 Awards annually recognize global smart cities projects, honoring the most innovative and influential work. We will designate three winners from the overall awardee pool at the awards reception. This event is open to all attendees.

Tuesday April 15, 2025

7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Hall 4 West Registration


7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
Hall 4 West Registration

Early Bird Coffee Break

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Keynote Program

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Storms, Smart Grid Resilience & Data-Driven Response

From hurricanes and wildfires to ice storms and flooding, extreme weather increasingly tests the resilience of our cities and critical infrastructure. These major events have significant, far-reaching impacts on emergency services, telecommunications, transportation, and financial services, potentially slowing the efforts of first responders and hindering vital information for citizens. For municipal leaders and utilities, the challenge isn’t just about responding to disasters but predicting and mitigating them before they escalate. Dave Herlong, Chief Operating Officer of Ubicquia, will discuss how AI-driven analytics and real-time grid intelligence are transforming storm preparedness, response, and recovery. Drawing lessons from recent disasters, he will highlight how smart infrastructure, predictive modeling, and automation can reduce outages, expedite restoration, and enhance public safety while cutting costs by identifying the most affected areas to prioritize and streamline recovery efforts. Attendees will gain insights into emerging strategies, such as wildfire risk detection, flood-resilient substations, AI-driven outage forecasting, and the role of smart streetlighting in emergency coordination. The session will also stress the urgent need for collaboration among cities, utilities, and technology providers to create a more resilient, data-driven energy future. Discover how your city can leverage technology, collaboration, and innovative infrastructure investments to stay ahead of the storm.

Chelsea McCullough, Strategic Advisor, Smart Cities Connect (Moderator)
Dave Herlong, Chief Operating Officer, Ubicquia, Inc. (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Smart Cities in South Africa: Pathways to Inclusive Innovation and Sustainable Urban Futures

Smart cities promise improved infrastructure, data-driven decision-making, and enhanced quality of life through technology. However, the challenges of achieving this vision in the Global South are unique due to socio-economic disparities, infrastructure deficits, and varying levels of digital access. This panel will address the implementation of smart city initiatives in the Global South, focusing on balancing innovation and inclusivity. Experts will explore the critical elements for enabling smart cities, such as affordable technology, community-centered design, and effective governance.

Pilisiwe Zamafaku Masiba, Urban Information Systems Lecturer and Researcher, University of Johannesburg (Moderator)
Thulisile Ncamsile Mphambukeli, Head of Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Johannesburg (Speaker)
Umair Surani, Founder & Principal Consultant, MTN Consulting (Speaker)
Joan Watetu Gachoki, Sustainability Consultant, Kenya-AIST (Konza Techno city) (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Major Event Planning - How Cities Leverage Tech for Significant Impact Events

Bob Bennett from the City of Parkville, MO and Cities Today Institute will convene three city leaders from communities hosting major events and talk through the planning aspects required to support major events. From significant infrastructure deployments required by event producers to the use of technology and city procedures to meet increased demand on public resources, major events can bring opportunities to support long-term community improvements.

Bob Bennett, Ward 2 Alderman, City of Parkville, MO (Moderator)
Kimberly Lagrue, Chief Information Officer, City of New Orleans (Speaker)
Carlo Capua, Chief of Strategy and Innovation, City of Fort Worth, TX (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Bridge Hall

Creating Smart Communities: The Value of Public-Private Partnerships and Pilot Programs

Panelists from the City of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and the City of Maple Ridge, British Columbia will explore how public-private partnerships and pilot programs are key to driving digital transformation within municipalities and create solutions of tremendous value for citizens beyond borders. Learn how Canadian-based company Cocoflo is leveraging Myrtle Beach's living lab, piloting an international project for next-generation parks and recreation software improving program registrations, facility bookings, and community engagement. The approach enables real-time testing, refinement of digital tools, and risk reduction. These collaborative environments adapt solutions precisely to municipal needs and innovate economic development, benefiting citizens and cities alike.

Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell (Moderator)
Howard Waldie IV, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Myrtle Beach, SC (Speaker)
Bernie Florido, Founder & CEO, Cocoflo (Speaker)
Pamela Sagert, Chief Information Officer, City of Maple Ridge, BC (Speaker)

10:40 AM - 10:55 AM
Level 2

Coffee Break

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 209

AI & Energy: AI's Full Potential to Unlock Safe & Efficient Energy and Vice Versa

As energy systems face growing pressure, the need for efficient energy consumption has never been more critical to ensuring economic resilience. This panel delves into the transformative role of AI in shaping the future of urban energy management. We will explore how AI can be harnessed to optimize energy usage, even as the energy demands of AI technologies themselves continue to rise. Join us to uncover innovative solutions and strategies to help city personnel safely achieve greater energy efficiency.

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 210 B

San Antonio Streetlights and Smart City Systems

The City of San Antonio and CPS Energy, the city-owned utility, have teamed up with Dalkia Energy Solutions and TerraGo Technologies to innovate the full lifecycle of San Antonio streetlight infrastructure management, including the introduction of new smart technologies to help make San Antonio a greener, safer and more connected community. Dalkia manages all processes associated with the complete operation of 135,000+ streetlights throughout the CPS Energy service territory, as well as innovation opportunities to test emerging technologies and apply enhanced smart city streetlight solutions. The program includes the City of San Antonio Command Center, where Dalkia orchestrates all operations and maintenance activities, as well as the City Street Demo Lab, where Dalkia helps CPS Energy evaluate emerging technologies. One of the early wins for this program is the introduction of new solar-powered LED streetlights to address illumination gaps, identified by a recent study.

Bob Borzillo, President, Sustainable Urban Strategies, LLC (Moderator)
Dave Basil, President & CEO, TerraGo Technologies (Speaker)
JC Florenson, Executive Vice President, Smart Infrastructure Solutions, Dalkia Energy Solutions (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 212 A

Intelligent Insights: Turning Parking Data Into City Solutions

As cities evolve, managing parking efficiently becomes an increasingly complex issue to solve. With the continuous demand for limited urban space, cities have begun to remove long-standing minimum parking standards. While this allows for greater infrastructure flexibility, municipalities have struggled to accurately track their parking inventory and occupancy. Data-driven solutions are transforming urban parking systems by providing valuable insights that help cities make smarter decisions amidst these informational challenges. Leaders from ParkMobile’s Insights offering will cover how lidar sensor technologies enable cities to safely collect data during routine municipal operations to better inform parking policies, zoning, and pricing strategies. This session will address how machine learning can be applied to predictive parking models and enable city planners to make informed parking policy decisions. The continuous flow of information helps optimize parking availability and drive towards broader city objectives such as sustainability, mobility, and quality of life.

John Gemza, North American Product Specialist for Insights, EasyPark Group/ParkMobile (Speaker)
Mark Johannes, Head of Global Parking Insights, EasyPark Group/ParkMobile (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 211

City Spotlight on Community Engagement

As emerging technologies constantly push the envelope of technological advancement, what are companies doing to ensure community acceptance is high? This session highlights why education and community engagement programs are needed as new technologies partner with cities. Attendees will walk away with a plan for how to incorporate community engagement in existing or new programs.

Lauren Tarín, Research Lead, Emerging Technology, ITSD, City of San Antonio, TX (Moderator)
Alanna Reed, Director, Communications & Engagement, City of San Antonio, TX (Speaker)
Raimundo Rodolfo, Director of Innovation and Technology, City of Coral Gables, FL (Speaker)
Jason Cooley, Executive Director Community Development Corporation, City of Allen, TX (Speaker)
Aaron Deacon, Managing Director, Kansas City Digital Drive (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room 208

Smart Cities Smart Bases Panel Discussion

Municipalities and military installations are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks, disasters, and disruptions to critical supply chains. To address these challenges, they are seeking innovative solutions through technologies like AI, energy, communications, cybersecurity, and resilient infrastructure. Urban environments act as testbeds for these technologies, and with the U.S. federal government being the largest user of energy and landlord, there is immense potential for innovation. This discussion will focus on exploring how industry can provide solutions to these government and military challenges, creating opportunities for smart cities and smart bases to thrive.

12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Lunch (on own)

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Level 2

Coffee Break

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 209

Transforming Public Safety: The Power of Real-Time Crime Centers for Urban and Municipal Operations

Real-Time Crime Centers (RTCCs) are revolutionizing modern public safety by integrating advanced technologies into law enforcement operations, enabling rapid decision-making and measurable improvements in community safety. This session, led by an LVMPD program manager, explores the transformative role of RTCCs in urban safety, featuring compelling real-world case studies of technology in action. Through detailed examples, such as using ALPR to apprehend armed carjacking suspects and drones combined with gunshot detection systems to resolve a road rage homicide in under 24 hours, attendees will see how RTCCs enhance field collaboration, support critical incidents, and deliver life-saving outcomes. Key insights will include strategies for deploying tools like ALPR, drone systems, and real-time gunfire detection platforms, leveraging RTCCs to centralize intelligence, and using proactive data analysis to identify and mitigate threats. Additionally, the session addresses how RTCCs build public trust through transparency and measurable results, demonstrating their role as a vital part of smart city initiatives. Whether you're a city leader, law enforcement professional, or technology innovator, this session will equip you with actionable strategies to integrate RTCC capabilities into broader municipal planning and ensure smarter, safer urban environments.

Paden Weber, Detective, City of Las Vegas Police Department (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 210 B

WORKSHOP: Transforming Cities - Immersive Experiences Powered by Intelligent Data & The AMSYS Collective Blueprint

Experience the Future of City Living through immersive engagement and intelligent data. Imagine a city where technology seamlessly enhances the human experience, creating a safer, more engaging, and vibrant environment for all. This is the promise of immersive technologies and intelligent data, and it's closer than you think. Join AMSYS and a collective of solution partners including Lenovo & NVIDIA. We have built solutions using NVIDIA NIM™ Agent Blueprints including NeMo, ACE, RIVA to enable our customized Computer Vision, and Agentic AI solutions. Through this foundational technology and workshop we explore how immersive experiences are transforming cities: Enhanced Public Safety: Experience how real-time data and AI can create safer streets and faster emergency response. Thriving Commerce: Discover how immersive technologies can revitalize businesses and attract investment. Engaging Entertainment: Explore the potential of immersive experiences to create vibrant cultural attractions and entertainment districts. Elevated City Services: Learn how data-driven insights can optimize city services and improve quality of life for residents. The Success Story of Frisco, Texas: Sharing compelling metrics, and providing a practical BLUEPRINT for cities to implement their own connected community solutions. Discover How To: Benchmark your city's readiness. Harness the power of urban data. Transform your city into an engaging and safer destination. Don't miss this opportunity to discuss the future of urban living!

John Rohrer, VP Enterprise Sales, AI Platform Leader, AMSYS (Moderator)
Jumbi Edulbehram, Global Business Development Director, Smart Cities and Spaces, NVIDIA (Moderator)
Wade Medlock, Assistant Director, Enterprise Applications, City of Frisco, TX (Moderator)
Jacque Istok, Field CTO, AMSYS (Moderator)
Bill Pugh, Co-Founder, Smart Connections Consulting (Moderator)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 212 A

City Spotlight on Smart Mobility

Hear how mobility solutions are shaping the future of smart cities. This panel of city leaders and innovators will discuss their mobility priorities and the biggest challenges they face in transforming urban transportation. From integrating emerging technologies to enhancing accessibility and sustainability, panelists will share insights on how cities are navigating the shift toward smarter, more connected mobility systems.

Sarah Coulter, Assistant Director, City of Houston Public Works (Moderator)
Brenda Bustillos, PhD, Transportation Engineer, Texas Department of Transportation (Speaker)
Brian Dillard, Vice President, Innovation & Technology, VIA Metropolitan Transit, San Antonio, TX (Speaker)
Kirk Scanlon, Division Manager, Smart Mobility, City of Austin, TX (Speaker)
John Holden, Smart City Manager, City of Raleigh, NC (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 210 A

Smart Lighting Brings Free Public Wi-Fi Powered By 5G

Curiosity Lab in Peachtree Corners collaborated with Juganu, a leading provider of smart lighting whose groundbreaking and sustainable platform leverages lighting infrastructure to create a fully digitized and connected environment. Juganu’s smart city lighting solutions are deployed within the Curiosity Lab ecosystem and at City of Peachtree Corners Town Center. This solution paired with Curiosity Lab’s 5G provider T-Mobile, enables unique capabilities within the lighting solution, including Wi-Fi. Juganu’s lighting solution eliminates the need for multiple devices on one light pole, with multiple systems unified in a single fixture. Their smart city fixture includes energy-efficient and high-quality LED lighting, environmental sensors to monitor air quality, IoT framework for additional smart city applications and leverages a security camera that features AI and edge computing for enhanced capabilities. Each light fixture includes a wireless access point to provide free public Wi-Fi. As the project expands, these lighting solutions will be deployed across the Town Center for a total of 80 units across the City of Peachtree Corners. In this panel, speakers will discuss how solutions like Juganu, paired with T-Mobile’s 5G, can enhance safety, connectivity, environmental monitoring and the everyday lives of residents in cities like Peachtree Corners.

Brandon Branham, CTO and Assistant City Manager, City of Peachtree Corners, GA (Moderator)
Tiana McNeil, Program and Business Development Director, T-Mobile (Speaker)
Shayne Rose, VP of Sales North America, Juganu (Speaker)
Michelle James, Vice President, Strategic Industry Programs, CTIA (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 211

IDC Smart City Awards

Join us for the IDC Awards breakout session, where we celebrate groundbreaking smart city initiatives that are driving digital transformation and improving urban life. This session will highlight award-winning projects that exemplify innovation, efficiency, and community impact. Hear from city leaders and technology partners as they share insights into their successes, challenges, and the future of smart city development. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from top-performing cities and gain inspiration for your own initiatives.

Ruthbea Yesner, Global Research Lead & Vice President of Government Insights, Education, Transportation and Smart Cities, IDC (Moderator)

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Room 208

Smart Cities Smart Bases Challenge I

Municipalities and military installations, of all sizes and in all locations, are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks, natural and man-made disasters, and disruptions to energy, food, and water supply chains. Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge is a pitch competition where participants present cutting-edge, dual-use technologies to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges faced by both smart cities and smart bases. At the end of the competition, one awardee will be selected for their innovative solution.

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 209

Mind the Gap: Collaborative Strategies for Addressing the Digital Divide

In the journey toward becoming truly "smart," cities cannot thrive without ensuring digital equity for all their residents. This panel explores the transformative power of partnerships between local governments, private sector leaders, and community organizations in addressing the digital divide. Panelists will discuss successful collaboration models, highlight initiatives that have made tangible impacts, and share insights on aligning resources and expertise for long-term sustainability. Attendees will gain actionable strategies for forging cross-sector partnerships, leveraging data and technology, and scaling efforts to create digitally inclusive smart cities where everyone has the tools to participate in and benefit from a connected society.

Rhia Pape, Executive Director, SA Digital Connects (Moderator)
Craig Hopkins, Chief Information Officer, City of San Antonio, TX (Speaker)
Megan Steckley, Chief Executive Officer, Compudopt, Inc (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 212 A

The Innovation Renaissance of Detroit: Innovation Districts, High-tech pilots, and Autonomous Vehicles

This panel will focus on the recent developments of an emerging innovation ecosystem in Detroit along with the partnerships that have made it possible. This panel will also include recent projects pioneered by Detroit in the autonomous vehicle space and how we are fostering an environment for innovators to succeed.

Kristin Shaw, Decarbonization Specialist, City of Detroit, MI (Moderator)
Katelyn Davis, PR and Communications Lead Consultant, Joyride PR (Speaker)
Johnnie Turnage, Founder, Black Tech Saturdays (Speaker)
Michael Lewis, Engagement Strategy Manager, Detroit at Work (Speaker)
Konner Petz, Senior Innovation Strategist, City of Detroit (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 211

The Partnership Blueprint: Cross-Sector Innovation for a Smarter Tomorrow

In the journey toward building smarter, more sustainable cities, partnerships are the cornerstone of progress. This panel will delve into how collaborations across governments, private enterprises, academia, and nonprofits drive innovation, equity, and resilience. Panelists will share insights on successful cross-sector and cross-jurisdictional partnership models, highlighting how regional alliances are fostering breakthroughs in smart mobility, sustainable energy, and workforce development. Key discussions will explore the role of data-sharing in optimizing urban services such as traffic management, emergency response, and infrastructure planning. The panel will also address how partnerships are bridging equity gaps, from expanding broadband access to enhancing digital literacy in underserved communities. Additionally, the conversation will spotlight public sector innovation labs as incubators for emerging technologies, policies, and solutions that are shaping the future of urban life. Join us to uncover actionable strategies for leveraging partnerships to create greener cities, foster workforce transformation, and build the collaborative frameworks necessary for smarter, more connected regions.

Geoffrey Urbach, Product and Partnerships Lead, City of San Antonio, TX (Moderator)
Tyler Svitak, Executive Director, Colorado Smart Cities Alliance (Speaker)
Aaron Deacon, Founder and Managing Director, KC Digital Drive (Speaker)
Dom Papa, Chief Government Relations Officer, Institute for Digital Inclusion Acceleration (Speaker)
Jennifer Sanders, Executive Director, North Texas Innovation Alliance (Speaker)

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Room 208

Smart Cities Smart Bases Challenge II

Municipalities and military installations, of all sizes and in all locations, are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks, natural and man-made disasters, and disruptions to energy, food, and water supply chains. Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge delivers cutting-edge, dual-use technology pitches to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges facing both smart cities and smart bases.

3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Room 208

Smart Cities Smart Bases Challenge III and Prize Announcement

Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge delivers cutting-edge, dual-use technology pitches to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges facing both smart cities and smart bases. The winner of the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Challenge will be announced in this session!

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Exhibit Hall 4B

Expo Program & Reception

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Civic Park

Food Truck Fiesta at Civic Park

Wednesday April 16, 2025

8:00 AM - 12:30 AM
Hall 4 West Registration


8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Hall 4 West Registration

Early Bird Coffee Break

8:30 AM - 9:25 AM
Room 209

Smart Cities, Ethical Choices: AI's Role in City Governance

This panel will explore the application of artificial intelligence in city management, focusing on the ethical challenges and opportunities it presents for city administrators and municipal leaders. Discussions will examine how AI impacts governance and decision-making, as well as its broader effects on various stakeholders within a municipality, highlighting the balance between innovation and responsibility in urban leadership.

Dr. Miha Vindis, Professor of Practice — Political Science, Texas State University (Moderator)
Josh Levine, Co-Founder & CEO, Thorian (Speaker)
Matthew Wright, Director of Human Resources, City of Buda, TX (Speaker)
Lindsey Wheeler, City Administrator, City of LaVernia, TX (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 9:25 AM
Room 210 A

Smarter Cities Using Wireless WAN Connectivity - Real-life Use Cases!

Wireless connectivity serves as the backbone for smart cities, creating a seamless and interconnected urban ecosystem that is adaptive, sustainable, and citizen-focused. While a "smart city" can mean different things to different agencies, it commonly leverages wireless LTE and 5G to ensure that access is always available and simple to troubleshoot. In this panel discussion, we'll discuss implementing real-world examples including EV charging stations, intelligent transportation systems, advanced traffic control cabinets, video cameras, fleet management, public safety, green energy infrastructure, waste management, environmental monitoring, digital signage and more.

Ann Hunter, Regional Sales Manager and Strategic Account Manager, Ericsson Enterprise Wireless (Speaker)
Ben White, Regional Sales Manager and Solutions Architect, Step CG (Speaker)
Bruce Johnson, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Security, Ericsson Enterprise Wireless Solutions (Speaker)
Brian Anderson, Ericsson Enterprise Wireless, Senior Sales Engineer, Strategic Accounts (Speaker)
Robert Edwards, Consulting Sales Engineer, Ericsson Business Enterprise Wireless Solutions (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 9:25 AM
Room 212 A

The Autonomous Shift: Redefining Movement in Modern Cities

Urban ecosystems face challenges in connecting the first and last mile, affecting residents' access to city amenities. Mozee's autonomous shuttles offer a solution to these gaps, ensuring efficient, accessible urban transit. Mozee shuttles, equipped with advanced autonomous technology, provide safe, reliable, and sustainable transportation. These vehicles are inclusive, accommodating all users, and adapt to real-time urban conditions through smart city integration. Impact and Initiatives: Mozee is developing pilot programs to showcase the shuttles' ability to reduce congestion, lower emissions, and improve accessibility. These initiatives aim to demonstrate the shuttles' potential for broader urban adoption.

Michael Kelly, Chief Strategy Officer, Mozee (Moderator)
Shawn Taikratoke, Co-Founder & CEO, Mozee (Speaker)
Corey Clothier, Autonomous Fleet Integration, Aribo (Speaker)
Mike Wilkes, Corporate Innovation Manager, Plug and Play Tech Center (Speaker)

9:30 AM - 10:25 AM
Room 209

City Spotlight on Digital Transformation

City leaders are at the forefront of digital transformation, leveraging technology to enhance responsiveness, safety, and long-term investment in urban infrastructure. In this panel, four city leaders will share insights from their digital initiatives, discussing the challenges and opportunities of modernizing operations while meeting community needs. Join the conversation to explore how cities are adapting to emerging technologies and what the future holds for connected communities.

Melissa Kraft, Chief Information Officer, City of Frisco, TX (Speaker)
Heather Turner, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Enterprise Applications and Project Support, City of Austin, TX (Speaker)
Ricardo Castillo, Chief Information Officer, City of North Miami Beach, FL (Speaker)
Brian Bidolli, Executive Director, Norwalk Redevelopment Agency, City of Norwalk, CT (Speaker)

9:30 AM - 10:25 AM
Room 210 A

The Future of AI in Cities

This panel focuses on opportunities and challenges for AI deployment in municipal contexts, focusing on projected impacts of this emerging technology on workforce, talent acquisition, municipal programming, and government investments in digital transformation. Hear from practitioners in a variety of sectors including academia, non-profit, municipal and state governments describe their journeys to navigate this complex environment, and consider potential futures for the impact AI technology will have on life in cities. How will subnational governments pivot to build capacity for AI in their organizations? How are cities already using AI to improve social services and public programming? How can cities pool their resources to prepare for potential disruptions from AI technology? All these issues will be discussed in this exciting and dynamic panel of practitioners.

Emily Royall, Senior IT Manager, City of San Antonio (Moderator)
Anthony Fisher, Local Agency Security Officer, Data Governance and AI, Colorado Dept of Revenue (Speaker)
Steve Wray, Executive Director, Block Center for Technology and Society, Carnegie Mellon University (Speaker)

9:30 AM - 10:25 AM
Room 212 A

Making the Transition to EVs

This panel will explore the challenges and technology around conversion of public fleets to EV transition “green” and clean sustainable energy. The City of Raleigh (Fleet Management Operations) has adopted an EV Implementation Strategy Rollout (EVISR) an aggressive plan to transition its fleet to EVs of 2,200 assets over the next 10-years commencing in 2034 including infrastructure, take home vehicles, behind the wheel and under the hood training, including Fuel/EV software. The City of Charlotte and Wake County and other nearby agencies have transitioned to an electric fleet from light, to medium and heavy duty vehicles and other clean energy fuels.

John Holden, Smart City Manager, City of Raleigh, NC (Moderator)
Rick Longobart, Fleet Operations Manager, City of Raleigh, NC (Speaker)
Tom Perttula, Senior Director of Cooperative Purchasing, Sourcewell (Speaker)
Maurizio Rinaldi, CEO, SONDA USA (Speaker)

9:30 AM - 10:25 AM
Room 211

Building the Future: Resilient Workforce Development

To ensure a future-ready workforce, a comprehensive approach to developing various skill types from trade to post-doctorate can be created through an economic opportunity with upskilling and a pathway to high-income employment through innovation, federal grant funding, and more. Public, private, and university entities will discuss programs and funding currently in place that help develop Texas’ workforce of the future by leveraging collaborative ecosystem development. Speakers will discuss current programs in place and how cross-sector organizations can work to secure funding, federal grants, etc. This includes the Urban Resilience Fellowship Program that connects faculty experts and students from higher education to local government to solve real-world problems. This panel showcases how programs like the Urban Resilience Fellowship Program cultivate innovative talent in North Texas by providing a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment for students to research and make recommendations on real issues while preparing them for jobs in emerging fields. NTXIA, in partnership with the University of Texas at Arlington, launched its Urban Resilience Fellows Program in 2024 and connects interdisciplinary teams from higher education institutions across DFW with community partners from local governments or industry to embed and develop innovative solutions to pressing issues for North Texas.

LaKesha Raynor, Director Workforce Development and Apprenticeships, Dallas College (Speaker)
Dr. Madeline Burillo-Hopkins, President, Dallas College Brookhaven Campus (Speaker)
Yumna Bham, Director of Strategic Partnerships, NTXIA (Speaker)
Cynthia Heyn, Director of Corporate Relations, University of Texas at Dallas (Speaker)
Laura Freeland, Executive Director, Inland Port TMA (Speaker)

10:30 AM - 11:25 AM
Room 209

Pioneering Civic Engagement: Gesture Recognition and Metaverse Innovations in Greater Phoenix

This session brings together city leaders, technology providers, and regional innovation facilitators to demonstrate how collaborative innovation can lead to practical, impactful solutions that enhance citizen participation and inform data-driven decision-making. Attendees will gain insights into implementing innovative civic engagement tools and fostering regional cooperation. The panel draws on two cutting-edge civic engagement technologies in Greater Phoenix: 1. The gesture recognition project, a collaboration between City of Avondale, City of Mesa, Steadynamic, and The Connective, enables real-time, intuitive feedback collection at events and public spaces, breaking down barriers to participation, increasing response rates, and providing valuable insights for cities. 2. City of Avondale, The Connective, and Grand Canyon University are developing a metaverse platform aimed at empowering youth to interact with city leaders. This virtual environment creates new avenues for civic participation in a system in which traditional processes are the primary barrier to inclusion.

Jake Taylor, Design & Technology Manager, The Connective (Moderator)
Harry Meier, Deputy CIO for Innovation, City of Mesa, AZ (Speaker)
Brandon Wilson, CEO, Head of Business Development, STEADYNAMIC (Speaker)
Robert Loy, Assistant Dean and Executive Director, Grand Canyon University (Speaker)

10:30 AM - 12:25 PM
Room 208

WORKSHOP: Whole Community Preparedness for Smart Cities and Communities

Be part of shaping the future of disaster response and recovery! This interactive workshop, led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), will explore innovative technology applications and strategies to improve public safety planning and community resilience in Smart Cities and Communities. Help define the framework for a cutting-edge cyber-physical-social system that enhances multi-agency collaboration, disaster planning, and emergency response. Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to a groundbreaking initiative that empowers cities and regions to manage complex crises more effectively.

Dr. Michael Dunaway, Associate Director for Innovation, National Institute of Standards and Technology (Moderator)
Wilfred Pinfold, PhD , President, CIRRUS Group / OpenCommons (Moderator)
Raimundo Rodolfo, Director of Innovation and Technology, City of Coral Gables, FL (Moderator)
Chelsea McCullough, Strategic Advisor, Smart Cities Connect (Moderator)
Mariela Alfonzo, PhD, CEO, State of Place, Inc. (Moderator)
Shandi Treloar, The McChrystal Group, PSEMA (Moderator)

10:30 AM - 11:25 AM
Room 211

Pioneering Citizen-Centric Smart Cities

Discover how mid-sized cities like Brownsville, Texas, are leading urban innovation with technology-driven, citizen-focused solutions. This panel highlights the City of Brownsville's transformative smart city initiative, showcasing strategies for scalable infrastructure, AI-powered public safety, Private 5G networks, and fostering digital equity. Learn how cutting-edge technology is optimizing city services, enhancing sustainability, and shaping community-centric urban transformation.

Fawad Noory, Solutions Architect, City of Brownsville, TX (Moderator)
Jorge Cardenas, Chief Information Officer, City of Brownsville, TX (Speaker)
Will Williams III, CEO and Founder, Cirrus9 Solutions (Speaker)
Lisa Rhodes, Senior Director, NTT Data Services (Speaker)

10:30 AM - 11:25 AM
Room 209

Securing Smart Cities: How CISA is Safeguarding 911 Systems Against Cyber Threats

As smart cities embrace IP-based technologies to enhance public safety communications—spanning 911 systems, land mobile radio, broadband, and alert networks—these critical systems become increasingly susceptible to cyberattacks. A robust, resilient public safety communication network is the cornerstone of any smart city, ensuring that emergency services like fire, EMS, and law enforcement can respond swiftly to protect lives. In this panel, we’ll explore the evolving cyber threats targeting 911 centers and other public safety systems, including ransomware, Temporary Denial of Service (TDOS) attacks, and other advanced tactics. Experts from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) will present actionable insights, detailing how their products, services, and frameworks help communities defend against these escalating risks. Additionally, the session will include firsthand accounts from city leaders who have confronted cyberattacks, offering lessons learned and best practices for municipalities and their IT teams. Whether you are a Smart City Manager, CIO, CISO, IT specialist, or technology vendor, this session equips you with the strategies and tools to safeguard public safety infrastructure and maintain trust in urban resilience.

Waqas Ahmed, Senior Cybersecurity Advisor, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) (Moderator)
Brad Riedl, IT Cybersecurity Specialist CR911, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) (Speaker)
Eric Long, Chief Technology Officer, Crius Technology Group (Speaker)
Christie Williams, Director of 9-1-1, North Central Texas Council of Governments (Speaker)


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